Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Complaints Mount for IESI & County Trash Program; No Relief In Sight


>> iesi does not deserve the contracts
by don m.

I think its wrong that the trash man can come into your yard and take things and lie about it and the city government backs him up. all i want is my tarps back.

Posted 10/27/09

>> Iesi is terrible
by Willie P.

We have the same problems that everyone else here has. We need to band together and start a class action lawsuit against them and see if we can recover some of our funds.
Posted 10/23/09

by Keona H.

This company sucks a$$. They didn't pick our trash up although we had paid our bill. I think they should have at least given us a credit or something. Our experience with Meridian was so much better and I REALLY miss them.

Posted 10/20/09

>> i am mad
by jerry b.

Hi.  I live at 9114 trefere ave and i am complaining of our trash not being picked up on friday . I called twice and the lady said it would be picked up and it was never taken care of. i would like it to be picked up as soon as possible thanks. It is overflowing and we have no where to put trash. and that can be a bit of a problem.

Posted 10/18/09

>> IESI is a Monopoly - My RATING is a 0 but I count give that
by TAG G.

The St. Louis County has locked us into the poor costumer service company and there is nothing we can do about it. The bad part about this is IESI knows that we can complain all we want but until there contact is up we can not do anything about it. Wait and see when there contact is almost up the service will improve.

Posted 10/12/09

by HB A.

This trash company is a joke, 2 weeks without my trash being picked up; how hard is it to dump trash! Also, please DO NOT lease the trash cans; BUY THEM..Behlmann!!

Posted 09/15/09

by Sharon C.

Something is seriously wrong with this program: IESI's trash collectors are seriiously lacking--I am not sure if it is information or common sense. Even though our name was added to IESI's special pickup list because our trash was missed 3 consecutive times last month, our trash was still missed this morning. The need to deal with this company is both frustrating and unbelievable!

Posted 09/02/09

>> Iesi is not worth the money we pay
by mike s.

Over the last five weeks I have had my trash yard waste or recycle not pick up and your right you call and put you on hold. complain think they adjust your bill think again.

Posted 08/25/09

>> Horrible Choice
by Tammy C.

This is the worst trash company I've ever experience. They have horrible customer service. Their haulers are lazy. Please St. Louis county - get rid of them!

Posted 04/20/09

>> VERY unhappy with IESI
by Shannon D.

I am in complete agreement with the unfavorable reviews of this horrible company. The customer service is non-existent and we have had to fight with them to pick our old trash can up - it took over 3 months!! When we first purchased our home a little over a yr ago, a co-worker who was not able to choose their trash removal was jealous that we could. Now I understand why! The county officials who took away our rights to pick our own trash co should be very afraid at re-election time!!!

Posted 03/16/09

by gina

They did not pick our trash up for two weeks. They broke the can trying to pick up the trash so they left it there. The came back to get the can and did not replace it. They are telling us that we have to pay for a trash can that they broke that they did not even provide us with, they last company we had provided us with it. When we paid the bill, we got a letter from the county about a collection. The company had us on hold for a long time when we finally got through to tell us that they received the payment 2 days after we paid it. I HATE THIS COMPANY.

Posted 02/27/09

To view more problems with IESI, visit: http://www.insiderpages.com/b/3716757864


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    If you can not receive local satisfaction for your service, I suggest, contacting their Corporate Headquarters in Fort Worth, TX

    IESI Corporation
    2301 Eagle Parkway
    Suite 200
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Tel: 817-632-4000
    Fax: 817-632-4540
    Email: info@iesi.com


    I have noticed that customer service and satisfaction goes up, when you deliver your complaint to the main office.

  2. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I personally have worked for a trash company before. 1) there is a woindow of 24-48 hrs to call for trash being missed.. if your trash day is on monday and you decide to call thursday... really be on your shit. 2) PAY YOUR DAMN BILL. Trash is less a month than most of your bills like cable or heat or gas... what is it like 12 or 13 dollars.. and why shouldnt trash be mandatory. EVERYONE creats trash and its a law in county to have services who wants people dumping trash where they shouldnt. GROW UP PEOPLE AND PAY YOUR BILLS AND PUT IT OUT WHEN ITS SUPPOSED TO BE OUT

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I count about 14 or 15 complaints here. I think IESI has 3 county waste districts, totaling over 35,000 homes. That is about .0005 % complaint factor. Also, those complaints run for over a 9 month period of time.
    Don't you think that maybe you are being just a little picky on this company?
    Also, how do we know if these complaints are legitimate or not?

    It seems that if there are complaints, they should be leveled against the County, and not the companies that legitimatly bid on and received the contracts.

    Residents would have had the right to change vendors, if the County didn't interfere. But the County got involved, so they should shoulder the burden.

  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    What about the service record of the othr vendors, both Veolia and Allied Waste.
    The real question here should be, is the COUNTY system working as it was designed to work. The target should not be the vedor/contractor, they did not write the specs and design the program.

    The big question as I see it, is what is the county doing to gaurantee participation, gaurentee proper payment to the contractors, gaurantee that every single resident has the minimum service county wide.

    What does the County do to protect the indigent, those who are unemployed, the elderly on fixed incomes, those who refuse to pay, etc.

    The County wants 100% participation, but set this system up for failure.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Here is a little research on Veolia.

    Veolia currently holds contracts for three of the County Waste Districts.


  6. Yvette S.2:44 PM

    I along with every other resident in the North County area has been forced to use IESI, 1) I do pay my bill on time 2) I do sit my trash on the correct day of pick up. and I still sometime can't get the trash picked up. I like when you had the option of choice. When I was paying Waste Management they picked up the trash. I have called IESI and let them know that my trash has not been picked up and they give me the impression they do not care sometimes.
