Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Resident says "County trash plan smacks of communism"

St. Louis County's trash district plan not only smells of trash, but also communism. Since when does the government have the right to choose my trash service and tell me what to pay for it? I live in America, so I can choose whose goods and services I use and how much I am willing to pay. While I understand the need for more recycling and less trucks in the neighborhoods, I think it is wholly inaccurate and unconstitutional for the government to force the public into a private contract with a company and tell them what to pay for it.

If we need to increase recycling, why don't we have a recycling center like the city does? For those neighborhoods that have an excess number of trash trucks, why don't you get together with your neighbors and try to decide on a trash company?

To give up the American freedom of choice over a couple extra trash trucks in a few neighborhoods is completely ridiculous and socialistic. If you want a communistic community and enjoy letting the government pick the prices and what company you will deal with then please do not call your councilperson.

I have called because I care about American values. If I wanted the government to control my life, I would live somewhere else. . . . . . Matt Angeli


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I think that if we let them start picking our trash company,they will next tell us where and when we can shop,buy gas,how many childeran we can have.They will try to tell us where we can work.They already tell us how much taxes they can steal from us.We get taxed over and over again.If they want to pick our trash company they should buy there own trash trucks like the city and give us trash service like the city.If you want less trash companies the county needs to be like the city and buy trash trucks.If you want to do that get on the water program like the city.Make American Water in Alton stay in Il. and get out of Missouri.This is America Not China!!!! Everyone should stand up for thetr rights and be heard.People are better heard in numbers not one person can do it all.Make sure that every person around you knows about the counties purposal. Thank You

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I thınk thıs actually ıs a good example of democracy ın actıon. We elected these representıtıves to help make our socıety a better place. To suggest thıs ıs antımerıcan somehow ıs sılly and lessons your arguments.
