Wednesday, March 30, 2011

County Counselor Says County has won All Previous Legal Actions on Trash Issues

KMOX Radio reports that trash haulers have concern regarding the awarding of new trash contracts with lawsuits pending in the courts. Brian Barkum, of American Eagle Waste, is worried that legal action might force haulers to refund customers.

“Is St. Louis County going to be responsible for the money that is going to be paid back? If not, why in the world would anybody bid on districts that they’re going to have to pay back,” he asked at Tuesday’s County Council meeting.

County Counselor Pat Reddington responded there has been no court decision yet, and that the County has prevailed in all previous legal action. What? What's she been smoking? The County has lost cases and numerous appeals with the current issue before the Missouri State Supreme Court.

Barkum’s concerns stem from a lawsuit pending before the state Supreme Court, arguing that the districts are illegal.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Reddington must be on a bad acid trip. You have to wonder why a lawyer who spent a lot of time and a lot of money to get the degree would work for the government for wages when they could be in private practice making some real money, or being a power broker like Temporiti. That kind of action speaks of a lawyer that is either not very good or just plain lazy. Is she as out of touch with reality as she always sounds?

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    This entire "Trash to Tragedy" could very well be one of the biggest and most expensive bluders the Dooley Administration has made.
    And, it ain't over.

    Why taxpayers are not revolting, is hard to understand. Why the news media has done an expose' is a mystery.

    Bottom line, Taxpayers have been hosed.

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    There should be a ReCall effort started to oust Dooley.

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    It’s statements like this one from county officials that make you think that the county should change its internet domain from “.com” to “.con”. Or is there a “.scam” domain?

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    In addition to Dooley the County Council members that keep voting to extend this program need to be removed. The ones that were there when it was voted in will never admit they made a mistake and vote to end it. That would be a sign of weakness. They would rather stick with their original position and display incompetence instead.

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    To err is human. To screw up royally it takes a politician. If you don’t admit and correct a mistake you have made two mistakes.

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I moved out of St. Louis County in January after being ratted out by Dooley's Stoolies and persecuted by the trash nazis. So I fled in an effort to maintain my freedom to choose who I contract to do business with. Since I left it becomes more and more apparent that Dooley and his nazi staff have no concern for the people of St. Louis County. They are only concerned with rewarding their friends and associates. It is amazing that everyone in St. Louis County is not screaming for their rights. I moved out so I could fight from the sidelines. I had neither the time nor money to continue to fight my personal trash battle in the court system. I still find it amazing that my "free government" would sign my name to a trash contract and obligate me against my wishes. If they put it to a vote to take over trash and tax us for it I would not have liked it but if it passed I would understand that majority ruled. As it is the dictator ruled and in America that is wrong.

  8. Anonymous9:20 AM

    at least Jeff City allowed its citizens to vote on the trash issue

  9. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I have heard that the Courts have informed St. Louis County, no more delays or extensions.

    The suite will be heard and the issue resolved.

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Former head of St. Louis County Planning Commission indicted for bank fraud
    BY ROBERT PATRICK • > 314-621-5154 | Posted: Friday, April 22, 2011 11:36 am

    ST. LOUIS • The former head of the St. Louis County Planning Commission turned himself in to federal authorities Friday morning after being indicted on a federal bank fraud charge Tuesday.

    Prosecutors say Douglas Morgan, 65, of Chesterfield, obtained 15 loans from Commercial Bank in his own name as well as other loans in the names of his children from 1999 through 2011 by misrepresenting his true assets.

    Morgan falsely claimed he had millions in cash, real estate and other assets, as well as $10 million in an account that had been frozen by the IRS.

    Morgan, was a shareholder and advisory board member of the bank, and still owes them roughly $1.5 million on those loans, prosecutors said.

    A longtime Democratic power broker, Morgan was the chairman of the commission until his removal in February. He was also a board member of Missouri Employers Mutual, the state's worker's compensation insurer and a member of the civilian board of the Major Case Squad.

    Morgan was in a wheelchair in court Friday, and has reportedly suffered health problems of late.

    His lawyer, Joseph Hogan, said that Morgan would plead not guilty to the charge at his arraignment Monday.

  11. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Doug Morgan and John Temporiti were close friends and ally's .
    Dooley is burning some of his people to cover his back side.
    If Morgan starts talking to get a deal, there will be more than several indictments come forth.

  12. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Doug Morgans biggest and strongest power base was with Gov Carnahan, and Buzz Westfall.
    Morgan has been loosing ground ever since the passing of both of these men.
    Morgan was sucked into the Organized Labor mob in St. Louis, but, more as a puppet and a soldier.
    When he crossed Dooley in the last november County Executive race, that is when the decission was made to remove him and his wife from both the P & Z and the Zoo Boards.
    Morgan also got caught up in the Casino frenzy in North County, and crashed and burned. Now he has to figure out how to repay the Illinois family for that blunder.
    Also, the FBI has been poking around county government for about a year.
