Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We take criticism
really, really well.

We also take praise pretty well.

(Send us love/hate Comments!)


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    You do a good job, but you seem to get stuck on certain issues.

    There are other issues, such as, The Fire District problems, Elbert Walton, Unity PAC, Dooley now wants to increase taxes for transportation, property tax reassesment, school district problems, lots of things, lots of issues, most, if not all, costing the tax payers and property owners.

  2. We try to focus on news of interest to subdivision trustees and not so much on other county issues . . . although they may impact subdivisions. We hate writing about the trash issue for one, but that items will impact subdivisions and trustees.

    We'll leave taxes for transportation, property tax reassesment, school district problems, lots of things and other up to the newspapers to report.

    Thanks for the input.

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Bill, you have done a fantastic job with this website. It is VERY informative on the issues at hand and then some.
    Thank you for keeping us all up to date, especially on the trash mess.
    Keep up the GREAT work!
