Friday, April 25, 2008

Some Statements At County Council Meeting Are Not Entirely True

We received more than several e-mails from persons who attended the recent County Council meetings on April 22 questioning some of the statements made during the proceedings.

  • County officials continue to say the new trash program will reduce traffic. This statement appears to be only partially true. If a subdivision has multiple trash haulers in their subdivision and they choose either the county's program or opt-out and select one hauler, this statement is true. Truck traffic will be reduced. If a subdivision today has only one hauler and the hauler must make a second pickup for recycling, traffic will increase.
  • When questioned as to how much money the trash program was costing the county, Garry Earls, COO, replied with some vague answers ranging from "nothing" to "we'll make money" to "around $122,000." None of these answers seem plausible. The fact is the trash program is costing the county money. There are more than a few county employees administering the program today at an expense far and above $122,000 a year.
  • It was mentioned several times that there was never a pilot trash program scheduled yet announcements were made public back in February from Mr. Dooley's office. In addition, the subject of a "pilot program" has been widely discussed during numerous council meetings. At no time was this denied by any Council member. The credability of the entire Council has been seriously damaged by this and other statements made along the way. If a pilot program was not a good approach, somebody should just say so and explain why.
  • Allowing county employees to testify in behalf of the trash program during the meeting was a direct conflict of interest. Of course they had to speak in favor of the program or otherwise they would be putting their jobs at risk.

What are your thoughts? Click on COMMENT below and share your thoughts.


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    One problem-as the embarassing little incident with the "church" signs shows, there are certainly folks on the "dump the districts" side that are willing to stretch the truth just as they are accusing the other side of doing the same. So it would appear that neither side can claim the moral high ground here.

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    There are two main problem with the county's trash program - use of districts and mandatory recycling. Do away with both of these - or at least modify them to be acceptable - and all the problems go away.

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    There are two main problem with the county's trash program - use of districts and mandatory recycling. Do away with both of these - or at least modify them to be acceptable - and all the problems go away.
