Saturday, August 25, 2012

St. Louis County Objects to Stopping Speeders

A growing number of communities in St. Louis County have deployed speed-enforcement cameras. A letter from the St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic, underscored the county’s opposition to “the general use of photo enforced speed zones” on its roads. By one count, as many as 10 local municipalities use speed cameras in one form or another.

The county's position goes something like this: St. Louis County-maintained roads run through communities that have deployed the speed cameras. The county doesn't like them. But many of the cameras are set up strategically so they are just outside the county's right of way. Does this mean the County endorses speeding? After all, they only catch people breaking the law.

An equally serious problem is the speed limits are far too low on some high volume roads. One reader wrote he recently received a ticket for doing 40 MPH on a 25 MPH road. He claimed he was just moving with traffic and if he drove the posted limit, he would be holding up traffic. He presented his case in court and the city attorney had the violation thrown out.  Many of the 25 MPH speed limits were set 50 years ago. The fine for the 40 MPH violation would have been $140.

STL County made it clear that there will be no “photo enforcement” warning signs allowed within the right of way.

The county asked that the city of Pine Lawn "refrain from further deployment" of speed cameras on Jennings Station Road. Ditto for the village of Hillsdale, which maintains a speed camera on Kienlen Avenue.

In the meantime, expect to see more of the cameras pop up. Just another reason to observe the posted speed limit as a general rule. Good idea. We don't need more speeders.


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I think the best story would be to investigate the company selling the cameras, and see who takes home the most cash after the "locals" and the company split the revenue. Where do you think local gov'ts got the idea to position the cameras "nearby , yet off the right-of-way" from? Because the company selling the equipment needs the cash flow too. No lesson in driving is learned here since the fines come without an actual officer explaining what you did wrong. Yet, the local speed traps just got more efficient in collecting fines. Almost fool proof isn't it?

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Do you mean to say that you don't already know that it's wrong to speed or run red lights? You can choose to go to court and let the judge explain it to you. Besides, citations always tell you what they were issued for.
