Tuesday, November 15, 2011

St. Louis County to webcast revenue projections

St. Louis County budget director Paul Kreidler will present revenue stream projections through 2018 in a live webcast at 6 p.m. tonight. The public may view the presentation live.

Questions may be submitted before, during and after the webcast via email to answers@stlouisco.com and to Twitter @SaintLouCo using hashtag #STLC2012.

Kreidler had given a similar presentation to members of the County Council in early September at the height of a feud between the council and County Executive Charlie A. Dooley over a tax hike that Dooley was seeking.

The county executive and the council have found themselves again at odds in recent weeks over Dooley's recommended budget for 2012, in which he calls for closing 23 county parks and eliminating 175 jobs.

Kreidler has repeatedly forecast steadily declining property and sales tax revenue in the face of rising costs.

Tonight's presentation will be archived on the county's website, stlouisco.com.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Last year, St. Louis County passed a sales tax to put empty Bi State buses back on the road. It worked, we now have more empty Bi State Buses, burning fuel.
