Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Girl Scouts now allow 'transgendered boys' to join Brownie troops

If you're against this action, send an email to the new Girl Scouts of America chief executive, Anna Maria Chávez, expressing your disappointment in their recent decision to allow boys as troop members.

> November 1, 2011

The Girl Scouts of Colorado has flip-flopped on a decision not to let a 7-year-old boy join their organization, now saying he is welcome even though he's not a girl, according to FoxNews.

The Girl Scouts issued a statement to the local Fox affiliate, saying they are an inclusive organization and will accept "Bobby." The troop leader who turned him away made a mistake, they said, and the situation is being rectified. "If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout," the statement said.

This follows a long history of liberal leanings by the Girl Scouts of America:

The Girls Scouts of America has lost it's way and lost its mind. A boy is not a girl, end of story.


Send an email to the new Girl Scouts of America chief executive, Anna Maria Chávez, (http://secure.afa.net/afa/activism/TakeAction.asp?id=410) expressing your disappointment in their recent decision to allow boys as troop members. Let them know you will not support the Girl Scouts as long as it continues down a path of destructive policies.

The American Family Assocication (AFA) is proud to recommend the Christian-based American Heritage Girls as an alternative to the Girl Scouts of America. American Heritage Girls has over 13,000 members in 41 states.


  1. Shannon10:24 PM

    I support the Girl Scouts' decision!

    longtime reader

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Have they given any consideration to a method of making sure the boys in question are really “transgendered” or are just looking for a free shot of the girls? When I was a boy that would have been the opportunity of a lifetime, pajama parties, pillow fights, paradise!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Insanity... everything is becoming relative.... there are no more absolutes (as in right and wrong) and increasingly we live in a world of moral relativism.... So with that understanding... why not... and for that matter.. when do the troop leaders get to decide they truly, sincerely love the little girls they are charged with leading? That they want to "love" them..no differnt than someone who is not a minor child? It is coming, mark my words...

  4. thank you for this article. Many concerned families are choosing American Heritage Girls for their daughters!
