Friday, October 21, 2011

Frontenac Approves Changes to Residential Fences

Frontenac is losing some of its openness with the approval of a new fence ordinance, allowing fences to be up to 6 feet tall. There are many provisions to slow the growth of closing some of the openess in the community. For example, all fences must be black metallic in a wrought iron style in steel or aluminum finishes. Stockade fences for new homes and replacements are now banned by voice vote of the board of aldermen, passing by a vote of 5-1.

“We are approving this with an abundance of caution,” Ward 3 Alderman John Levis said.

After a lengthy discussion by homeowners, the unofficial tally was 6-5 favoring the new ordinance. About 40 concerned residents attended the meeting.

Several of the speakers said losing stockade fences would be a hardship for those who live on busy through streets and seek additional privacy. Mayor Keith Krieg tried to call for a 12th hour compromise, only to be soundly defeated by a vote of the aldermen.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Most of the residential owners may feel bad about this change in fence rental services. Most of the people are not happy with this new rule by Frontenac that all fences should be black in color.
