Friday, September 02, 2011

St. Louis County Presents Workshop for Subdivision Trustees

St. Louis County is sponsoring a workshop for subdivision trustees set for Tuesday, Oct. 4,2011.

Learn about St. Louis County's new and improved resources for trustees.
  • Discover what web-based information is available to trustees and view an online demonstration.
  • Network with other trustees and meet County staff who provides services to your subdivision.
Space is limited and reservations are required. Registration begins Sept. 6, 2011. To RSVP or for more information, contact the Department of Planning at 314-615-7673 or e-mail to

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011

Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Location: World Trade Center, 121 S. Meramec, Clayton, MO 63105

Cost: FREE (including parking)
Refreshments and door prizes will be provided. 

Visit the subdivision trustees resource center website at;


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    With the county facing a $5 Million shortfall, or is it $10 Million; hard to tell lately ain’t it; is this kind of thing the best use of taxpayer money?

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Why would anyone in STL CO want to listen to what these clowns have to say about running a subdivison ?? The sure are doing a fine job running the county, arent' they ?? Riiiight.

    Dooley & Cronies have taken a once-great place and turned it into a cesspool of 3rd rate politicians who can't grab our cash fast enough. Sort of like what the president is doing....
