Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Business As Usual at Jamestown Mall

There have been rumors circulating about the closure and demolition of Jamestown Mall.

There are two important facts that you should be aware of:

1.  Jamestown Mall is not closing

2.  Jamestown Mall is not being torn down

Apparently, the rumors about Jamestown Mall being closed and torn down started in September after an urban planner came to town to study and make recommendations concerning the future of the mall. The Urban Land Institute (ULI, conducted the study, which was commissioned by the St. Louis County Economic Council at the request of county executive, Charlie Dooley, at a cost of $120,000 to taxpayers.

The purpose of the study was to provide “recommendations” for “adaptive re-use solutions” regarding the future of Jamestown Mall, as opposed to a definitive plan or proposal for the mall. However, three words soon began circulating in the surrounding community: “Tear it down.” Since the beginning of October, those three, very powerful words have had a huge impact on the mall in that sales at most stores have decreased by 25 – 50 percent, which has negatively impacted the approximate 35 stores that remain in the mall. Store owners report that they receive calls daily asking when they are closing their stores and when is the mall gong to be torn down. In reality, neither of the foregoing statements is true.

For those who may be unaware, St. Louis County conducted two meetings about the future of Jamestown Mall, which were hosted by county executive, Charlie Dooley. The first meeting was held on Thursday, November 12 at Hazelwood Central High School and the second meeting was held on Thursday, December 17 at Hazelwood East High School. Letters advising of these meetings were sent to residents by the county executive (dated November 2) on his letterhead. However, it should be noted that many residents in unincorporated North St. Louis County have reported that they did not receive a letter about these meetings and would have liked to have attended a meeting. Unfortunately, no information is available about the county’s criteria regarding the geographic distribution of its mailing.

In retrospect, ULI’s study and the county’s subsequent meetings have done much more harm to the mall than was intended by either entity. However, the important thing to remember is that Jamestown Mall is still alive and area residents are encouraged to continue to patronize their favorite stores at the mall.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Macy's just announced they will be closing and leaving Northwest Plaza, leaving only Sears as the anchor in Northwest Plaza.
    Jamestown Mall has 2 large anchors.
    If people would shop and support their local stores, these stores would stay in place. Without the customers, none of them will stay. The residents within their community have the power, if they would exercise it. Shop and support your local areas.

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Surely it is time for a new discussion.

    How about, during this past snow and cold spell, how was your neighborhood street and road cleanup? Has the economy slowed snow removal?
    What will become of all the pot holes?
    There must be something to keep this blog moving.
