Sunday, November 15, 2009

St. Louis County Is Not the Only Place Having Trash Problems

Trash problems in Ft. Collins, CO parallel those of St. Louis County. A letter received from a Ft. Collins resident.

"Yet again, the City is dragging out the chance for Fort Collins citizens' to hear what is going on and get some answers about the new trash district. The November 17 public hearing has now been canceled by the City in order to "get more information." The latest is that this public hearing will be in January – two months away. We'll keep you informed on latest developments since the City doesn't seem to want you to know. What decisions will the City be making between now and January? And why don’t they want input from citizens?"

Shades of action taken - or not taken - by the St. Louis County Council and County Executives.


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I don't understand why you keep harping on the trash issue. Since we started participating my bill has gone down and I don't see as many trucks parading up and down the streets on a daily basis. The drivers have been more then courteous. Do not take this as support for Mr. Dooley, I do feel that the issue could have been handled a better way.

  2. Mike Roberts12:18 PM

    Sure, everybody's bill has gone down. The problem is not a matter of cost, but of freedom of choice. Just wait until you're unhappy with your trash hauler. You'll be unable to change to a better service.

    What would you think if a hauler came along and offered you a cheaper price? You won't be able to change.

    Three lawsuits are pending in the county on this issue. If the county loses these, the odds are very high that you will be effected.

    The trash program was a topic of discussion at the Town Hall meeting this week (11/15) by Bill Corrigan who is running for Mr. Dooley's office.

    We still have a long ways to go with this situation. Your thoughts????

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The big pain on this change in trash hauling will come when the next contract period comes along. The first contract period had lots of competition, but the next round will have less. Once there is only 2 or 3 bidders for our trash and recycle, you will see those rates raise substanstially. Expect higher prices, more like cable TV rates within the next bidding round or two.
