Saturday, May 03, 2008

Progress Comes to Saint Louis County

Letters to the Editor . . .

"For too long now, County Executive Charlie Dooley and the county council have been the subjected to inordinate amounts of vitriol with regard to the St. Louis Countys new trash collection plan. Thanks to those communities that already have shown leadership in this area, we have real numbers to back up the projected benefits of single stream recycling.

We live in the first district that implemented the new plan. Already, we are recycling three times as much material as we used to, with far greater convenience; and effective July 1, our trash collection costs will be cut by more than half.

Let the narrow minded spout about how they love their trash hauler and don’t mind the parade of heavy, noisy, trucks rumbling down their crumbling streets each day. Recycling is up. Before long the rate of landfill growth will be slowing.

Progress comes to St. Louis County!"
. . . Michael Meredith, St. Louis County


"I feel neither the trash program nor the recycling program is the problem, it's the way it's being set up and forced on the public. As Mr. Rogers pointed out at the meeting last week, the majority of citizens want improved trash service and recycling, but that the majority don't like the way it's being handled.

Find me someone who thinks recycling is really BAD. They're aren't any. We all support recycling. Some of us are willing to pay for this service, while others are not. If they can prove they're recycling with their church or other organization, let them continue. Why force this on them. St. Louis County is really getting a black eye on this issue."
. . . M. Silver, St. Louis County

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